My dad is a meat and potatoes kind of guy. He's entirely German and anyone could easily guess the fact by the cuisine found on his plate. But there is something very un-German about one of his favorite foods: garlic. And honestly, he couldn't have picked a better favorite.

Today Rachel is revealing the truth about this classic tasty and healing herb. Be sure to check out the benefits of garlic! August's Herb of the Month!

A few years ago when I took a serious interest in alternative medicine, I found myself a bit confused by the terms used to describe herbal preparations. Okay, a lot confused. 

Tinctures, tonics, teas, infusions, decoctions, extracts, brews… WHEW! My head was spinning! Are these terms all referring to the same thing? What is the difference between a tincture and a tonic? Which preparation should I use?

If you're asking the same questions then you've come to the right place. Here you'll find everything you need to come to terms with the terms.

The number of individuals world-wide who struggle with some form of dementia is sobering. In the United States alone, nearly 6 million individuals arediagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, a staggering number that does not even include the multiple other forms of dementia. 

There's currently no way to reverse brain degeneration once it begins, but there are several things you can do to bolster brain health and to provide comfort for those experiencing the difficulties of cognitive degeneration.

So much for an eloquent title. But why be flowery when all you really want to know is the facts, right? With that in mind, let's get right to answering this often-asked question: Where is the best place to buy dried herbs?

There are two ways we can go about answering this question: either the simple way or the more complex. To follow the easy road just take a peek at the following picture and identify the pile of yummy organic dried dandelion leaf that looks the most appealing. Take a guess at the company represented by the initial... and you're all set to place your order!

If you're a bit more purposeful and want to know all the facts... then read on.

Last week we began our series on seasonal allergies by discussing that the best way to win the battle of the sniffles is by fighting nature with nature. Previously we explored the world of real food and how we can use it to our advantage in bolstering our overtaxed and undernourished immune system, the primary culprit responsible for seasonal allergies. Today we'll discuss another realm of nature that offers us tremendous advantage in the fight against the sneezing and sniffling that defines the spring season for so many of us. Herbs.

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