The number of individuals world-wide who struggle with some form of dementia is sobering. In the United States alone, nearly 6 million individuals arediagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, a staggering number that does not even include the multiple other forms of dementia. 

There's currently no way to reverse brain degeneration once it begins, but there are several things you can do to bolster brain health and to provide comfort for those experiencing the difficulties of cognitive degeneration.

It may seem a little out-of-the-blue that I would post on this topic, but the truth is I was doing a client study (for my homeopathic certification) on a individual with Frontotemporal dementia (commonly known as Pick's Disease). This is just one of nearly two dozen (!) forms of dementia recognized by the American Medical Association.

Given the sheer numbers, chances are each of us know someone dealing with some form of dementia, either as a caretaker or as a victim. It affects us all.

By definition, dementia is a chronic (mostly irreversible) deterioration of the mind. It can occur at any age, but is often seen affecting the elderly. Though there are many theories as to what is the primary cause of dementia, it most likely is the result of multiple factors, rather than any one in particular. Consequently, the best way to  approach optimal mental health is by employing multiple approaches.  

Here at the Nourishing Herbalist, we are lovers of the alternative medicine Triumvirate: aromatherapy, homeopathy and herbalism.

Each of these combined with good lifestyle choices and a real food diet can offer tremendous holistic health benefits.


Real Food
Cognitive Health

If you're a frequent reader of this blog than I'm sure it's a bit repetitive to mention here the importance of a real food diet. The benefits are enormous and will do wonders to facilitate better health and vitality. Real foods, such as coconut oil, have recently been suggested as deterrents of Alzheimers disease. And more unnatural, low-fat and high-carbohydrate diets have been shown to play a detrimental role in the development of Alzheimers.

Science has shown that diets rich in omega-3s reduce the risks of Alzheimers as well.

It's no surprise, nourishing foods do just that: nourish.

Someone please pass the pastured butter!

It's important to mention here the likely link between dementia and the use of aluminum materials, whether that be in the form of baking or cooking ware, anti-perspirants, or good ol' aluminum foil. Do yourself a favor and rid your home of the toxin. Check out this great post for ideas on how to replace aluminum foil in your kitchen!

Aromatherapy for Cognitive Health and Dementia

On the essential oils side of things, the sky is the limit on the various oils suggested to positively impact brain degeneration. Frankincense and rosemary top the list, but additional oils include basil, ginger, black pepper, grapefruit, lemon, orange and cardamom… just to name a few. 

To promote calm in irritated dementia victims, the best oils to include lavender, bergamot and ylang ylang. You can always throw some chamomile into the mix, too.

A few other things to note:

:: Be sure to read our post on where to buy the highest quality essential oils for more information.

:: For more information on how aromatherapy can assist with dementia, read this article about how aromatherapy has assisted in cases of Alzheimers and the various supporting studies.

:: Lastly, one of our favorite herbal companies has a complete listing of oils available for individuals struggling with dementia.

Herbalism for Cognitive Health and Dementia

Herbs offer wonderful benefits for those who ingest them whole or in an extract form on a regular basis. In particular, braintonic herbs, namely ginko and gotu kola offer tremendous benefits for cognitive health. Additionally, the herb rosemary, just like the essential oil, is known as an "herb of remembrance", highlighting it's wonderful ability to improve memory.

Other herbs that can positively affect dementia patients include kava kava, ginseng (any type), St. John's wort (especially for anxiety and depression), and valerian root (for calm).

Rosemary Gladstar, a renown herbalist, suggests in her book Medicinal Herbs and also in her book Herbal Remedies for Vibrant Health the routine administration of a brain tonic tincture to bolster the health of the brain tissue. Her recipe includes ginko leaf, gotu kola, peppermint, rosemary, and sage.

:: Be sure to read our post on where to buy the best dried herbs for more information.

I have to pause for a moment and say it's a toss-up between herbs and homeopathic remedies as to which method of alternative medicine is really my favorite.

Homeopathy is obviously near and dear to my heart, since that's currently what I'm pursuing a certification in, but the fact is both work; however, homeopathy is gentler with NO side effects. I can't say the same for herbs.

Since most individuals diagnosed with dementia are elderly, homeopathic remedies (and aromatherapy) are great options to try prior to dabbling in the herbal world. Herbs, like prescription drugs, can be dangerous for some and will occasionally interfere with prescription meds. Please use caution and/or consult with a certified herbalist if you plan on ingesting herbs.


Homeopathy is  most effective when a remedy is carefully selected based on the totality of the symptoms an individual is experiencing. Without the council of a certified homeopath there is little chance you will see huge improvements in a loved one who has already been diagnosed with dementia, mainly because of the sheer number of remedy possibilities out there. The homeopathic Materia Medica currently lists more than 70 possible remedies!

However, since homeopathy is completely safe for the layman to try, you can always pick one and hope for the best. I recommend meeting with a homeopath, though, for best results.

Here is a very basic overview of homeopathic remedies I can suggest trying.

For the dementia individual experiencing:

Irritable and restless behavior

  • Tarentula Hispanica
  • Nux Vomica
  • Chamomile
  • Crotalus Horridus

Feeling weak, forgetful and defeated

  • Anacardium Orientale
  • Lycopodium
  • Staphisagria
  • Phosphoric Acid

Appearing confused, moody, depressed

  • Aluminum Oxydata
  • Baryta Carbonica

For elderly individuals, I would most likely recommend remedies given in a 6C potency 2-3 times per day for a week or two OR 30C potency daily for a week. For more information, read this post on homeopathic remedies. Note any improvements in cognitive ability or behavior. But again, for best results work under the direction of a certified homeopath.

In Conclusion...

I hope this information provides some starting ground for improving your own mental health and the health of your loved ones. Research is constantly progressing in the field of cognitive degenerative diseases and more information is made available of the ways the disease may be impeded.

In the meantime, facilitating a stress-free lifestyle along with an exercise routine (both physical and mental) and a real food diet can significantly reduce your chances of developing dementia. And as you offer a helping hand to those struggling with the disease, consider these great alternative medicine options that may just improve their quality of life.

Do you know someone with dementia? What are the greatest challenges you've witnessed as a friend, caretaker or family member? Are there any forms of alternative medicine that have made a difference?

I am not a medical professional.
Statements contained on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA.
Information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease nor to take the place of professional medical advice. Please seek help from a medical professional if you believe you or a loved one may have dementia or are struggling with short term memory.
7/11/2013 09:02:00 am

As you say, pretty much everyone knows someone with dementia. I found your article interesting, and find it intriguing how often we come back to eating well, decreasing stress, and exercising. Of the limited number of dementia cases I have known, I have been intrigued how anger, generally suppressed, has played a part through the person's life. I wonder if anger is a slow stress factor that releases chemical toxins through the years?

7/11/2013 10:22:30 pm

Hello Carolyn, thank you for visiting. I really enjoyed browsing your website... the artwork you display there is so beautiful. (I love the beachside print!)

Anyway, I think it's a good observation that chronic anger and stress can play a huge role in our mental health. Anger and stress both cause the release of the hormone adrenaline, which is a reliable fight-or-flight motivator, but in the long term can have serious effects on the brain. (This is a great read on the topic: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/243191.php)

There are certainly many other causes of dementia, such as Parkinson's and Huntington's disease, brain injuries, etc... but it seems likely that lifestyle factors can play a huge role.

I think it's interesting that you mention the anger is "suppressed". I've often wondered if that type of anger isn't more dangerous because it doesn't put those flowing hormones to use.


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