We're in the final countdown of T minus 3 days before the launch of the new Nourishing Herbalist site!

Consequently, we're keeping things simple around here this week.

But we have some great things in store for you, including:

This week and next we're busy bees here at the Nourishing Herbalist completing the data migration to our new site. You're going to LOVE the changes!

In the meantime, I wanted to spotlight a wonderful resource that will make your pursuit of vitality an easier (and cheaper!) one. 

Maybe you've had your eye on a new ebook or a meal plan service to help with the often hectic chore of planning meals.  Well, I'm here to tell you that you might be able to pick these up at a great discount.  

In fact, if you shop online for real food and health products on a regular basis, then in all likelihood you could be doing this more affordably. Here's how:

My dad is a meat and potatoes kind of guy. He's entirely German and anyone could easily guess the fact by the cuisine found on his plate. But there is something very un-German about one of his favorite foods: garlic. And honestly, he couldn't have picked a better favorite.

Today Rachel is revealing the truth about this classic tasty and healing herb. Be sure to check out the benefits of garlic! August's Herb of the Month!

If ever there was a week to toss real food out the window in the name of convenience, this was the week. Each night this past week our family participated in our church's Vacation Bible School (VBS). My girls were active and eager participants, I taught two 3-year-old classes, and my husband served as chief cook and bottle-washer for the remaining two littles who stayed put at home.

And we were a tired bunch as the week drew to a close.

If you've been following our weekly menu plans, then you may have noticed that kefir smoothies, kefir lemonades, and kefir sodas happen to be rather popular at my house. Maybe you've even tried your hand at this herbal kefir iced tea.  Or this strawberry-dandelion kefir smoothie.

No doubt you're quite familiar with kefir by now. Both water kefir and milk kefir contain probiotics that promote a healthy digestive system, resulting in better immunity, higher energy, and an overall sense of well-being.  That's what our ancestors experienced and it has continued to boost our health for generations. But what about another favorite beverage from generations past? Let's talk kombucha.

A few years ago when I took a serious interest in alternative medicine, I found myself a bit confused by the terms used to describe herbal preparations. Okay, a lot confused. 

Tinctures, tonics, teas, infusions, decoctions, extracts, brews… WHEW! My head was spinning! Are these terms all referring to the same thing? What is the difference between a tincture and a tonic? Which preparation should I use?

If you're asking the same questions then you've come to the right place. Here you'll find everything you need to come to terms with the terms.

One of my favorite things to do in July is pick blueberries. Once every year my mom and I rise with the sun and drive to our favorite u-pick farm hidden away in the foothills of the Appalachia mountains.

There we pick side-by-side for hours, chatting about everything under the sun. It's the one time each year that I can count on having my momma's complete attention without any interruption. No babes a-whining. No toddler requests. Nothing. Just her and me and a plethora of plump blueberries. And that, my friends, is a little taste of heaven.

As I  made my way through our 42 Day Exercise Challenge, I was ecstatic with my shrinking  legs and derriere… but more than a little disappointed with my ever-present "poochy" midsection. I did crunches (even though I hate them), I did leg raises, I tried using an exercise ball… nothing worked!

Then a little voice in my head reminded me of an unusual term I first heard on Lindsay Brin's Complete Pregnancy Workout a couple of years ago: Diastasis recti. At the time I dismissed it as yet another pregnancy "worry" that most likely didn't concern me... but now I pulled out my videos and watched the section again. And my mouth dropped open.

I love kicking off a new week. It inspires the same feelings in me as receiving a brand new journal. The pages are clean. Untouched.

So here we are... And to get things kicked off on the right foot we've decided to move our real food menu plan posts to Monday, instead of Tuesday. Because, well... that just seems like the right thing to do. Who starts their weekly menus on Tuesday, anyway? Silly us.

The number of individuals world-wide who struggle with some form of dementia is sobering. In the United States alone, nearly 6 million individuals arediagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, a staggering number that does not even include the multiple other forms of dementia. 

There's currently no way to reverse brain degeneration once it begins, but there are several things you can do to bolster brain health and to provide comfort for those experiencing the difficulties of cognitive degeneration.

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