Currently there are two plants in my garden doing me proud: zucchini and basil. The beans are coming on well and I have a myriad of little green tomatoes that promise sweet reward... but surely not for another couple of weeks.

That's not the case with the zucchini and the basil. Both are producing like crazy and when my CSA basket arrived last week with four more zucchinis inside I had an epiphany that soon we would be inundated by a small zucchini army if we weren't careful.

Last year I swore zucchini had to be the easiest plant an amateur gardener could ever plant (perhaps even more than tomatoes). That confidence waned quickly when both my plants developed some strange disease causing the leaves to turn yellow, struggle for life for a few short days and then keel over and die. I was crushed. What had I done?!

It wasn't until I swallowed my pride and consulted the master gardener in my life (my mother) that I learned perhaps the best gardening advice ever: don't let your husband walk next to the garden when applying weed killer on the lawn.

Who knew?

Since that fateful event I'm happy to report that zucchini is indeed one of the easiest plants you can grow in your garden and promises great culinary rewards!

But enough about zucchini, it's basil I really wanted to talk about today. As you know the month is winding down and with it our emphasis on the wonderful herb, holy basil. But although the time for our discussions on basil is growing short, the basil in your garden still has lots of vibrant benefits to offer for another several months.

But how do you harvest your basil in order to prevent it from bolting
and maintain it's delicate glossy appearance?
Basil, like any herb in the garden, loses it's culinary appeal when it begins to bolt -- that is, flower. In addition, once the plant begins to flower the energy of the plant is directed to producing blossoms and seeds and no longer to producing the luscious, tender green leaves. 

To keep your basil producing all summer long and to discourage bolting, pinch off the leafy tips of the plant and use those leaves for your basil needs. The tender tips are wonderful for cooking!

Here's a guide to illustrate the process:
If your basil has already bolted you can remove the flowering stem by cutting it off about 1/3 of the way down the stem towards the remaining leaves. And towards the end of the season, or when you're getting tired of maintaining your basil, you can pluck off all the leaves and dry them for use throughout the year.

But now, what to do with all the basil? And zucchini!? If you're looking for a side dish to grace your dinner table this evening, then these zucchini basil pancakes are just the thing. My husband loves them because they are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. My kids love them because they look like lily pads. I think those are both good reasons to make them again. Enjoy!
print recipe
Zucchini Basil Pancakes
  • 2 large zucchini, shredded
  • 1 t. kosher salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 scallions, chopped
  • 2 T. fresh basil, chopped
  • 1/4 t. pepper
  • 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
  • dash of cayenne pepper
  • 2 T. coconut oil
1. Place grated zucchini in a colander and sprinkle with salt. Allow to sit 5-10 minutes, and then using your hands squeeze out as much liquid as possible.2. Place coconut oil in a skillet and heat over medium heat.3. Meanwhile, place eggs in a large bowl and whisk.4. Add remaining ingredients to eggs, including the drained zucchini. Mix quickly.5. Using an ice cream scoop or small measuring cup, scoop out portions of the mixture and drop them carefully into the hot oil. 6. Using a spatula, carefully flatten into pancakes. Cook 5 minutes or until browned, and then flip. Cook another 5 minutes or so.7. Lift pancakes onto a paper towel-lined plate. Serve warm.
Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield: 8 pancakes
7/10/2013 01:09:36 pm

LOVE that there is no flour of ANY KIND in these!!! :D

7/10/2013 10:37:59 pm

Thanks for visiting, Gigi. I loved the recent interview you did with Giada De Laurentiis! So jealous about that one! :-) Anyway, yes... I love that these "pancakes" are gluten-free and SO easy to make. Oh yes, and they're health, too.

7/16/2013 09:35:23 pm

These look SO GOOD!!! I'm going to get some zucchini at the market Saturday morning! Visiting from This Gal Cooks.


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